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Berm Improvement Project for Carlisle Borough

Over the last three weeks, Malco Landscape Inc. has been working extensively on a Berm Improvement Project for Carlisle Borough. This project was partially funded by the warehouse developers Exel. The residents located near the warehouses wanted something to block the warehouses, therefore prompting the construction of large berms along the meadow view park trail. After constructing the berm, hundreds of arborvitae trees were planted along the top about ten years ago, but the residents of the area, along with the Borough knew more had to be installed. Malco Landscape was hired to plant over 2,500 trees along the walking trail and on top of the berm. A majority of these trees were bare root tree plantings. Of these bare root trees, the species consisted of sycamore, red maple, redbud, red oak, pin oak, hornbeam, and tuliptrees. The purpose of these plantings was to create a forest for future generations to block the noise and sites of the newly added warehouses. Carlisle Borough had the future in mind when developing this area. In addition to the bare root trees, there were various different pine trees to be planted to fill in along the top of the berm, as well as along the walking trail. These species consisted of White Pine, Norway Spruce, White Spruce, and Hemlock trees. A project of this magnitude was difficult to organize, especially since we only had a few staging areas for about a one-mile stretch. Transporting the trees along the walking path ended up being very time consuming and frustrating at times. As of now, we are only left with mulching, and staking a few trees to have the project completely finished. We are hoping to help Carlisle Borough with watering these trees to ensure the highest survival rate!

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